Jumat, 04 November 2016

Minggu, 12 Juni 2016


In Special and General Theory of Relativity Albert Einstein ignored Refraction of Light

"The Laws of General Relativity " do not take into account the Refraction of Light.
 Thus, the occurences of redshift, lensing, and time dilation actually can be explained in conjunction with the refraction of light,

The effect of refraction: tume delay of light.An example the Sunlight, A-B a little bit longer than A'-B

The apparent position of an object in the sky may be changed by several different physical effects.
One of these is refraction.

The speed of light changes as it passes through a medium such as air.

We define the refractive index of any transparent medium as 1/v,

where v is the speed of light in that medium.
The speed of light in air depends on its temperature and its pressure,

so the refractive index of the air varies in different parts of the atmosphere.
Make a simple model of the atmosphere as n layers of uniform air above a flat Earth,

with a different velocity of light vi for each layer (i from 1 to n).
Apply Snell's Law of Refraction at each boundary. 

diagramAt the first boundary, sin(i1) / sin(r1) = v0 / v1 .

At the next boundary, sin(i2) / sin(r2) = v1 / v2 , and so on.
But, by simple geometry, r1 = i2, r2 = i3 and so on.
So we have

sin(i1) = (v0 / v1) sin(r1)
          = (v0 / v1) sin(i2)
          = (v0 / v1) (v1 / v2) sin(r2)
          = (v0 / v2) sin(r2)
          = ..........
          = (v0 / vn) sin(rn)
In other words, the refractive indices of the intervening layers all cancel out.

The only thing that matters is the ratio between v0
(which is c, the speed of light in vacuum)
and vn (the speed in the air at ground level).
Now rn is the apparent zenith distance of the star, z',

and i1 is its true zenith distance, z.
So sin(z) = (v0 / vn) sin(z').
Refraction has no effect if a star is at the zenith (z=0).

But at any other position, the star is apparently raised; the effect is greatest at the horizon.
Define the angle of refraction R by R = z - z'.

Rearrange this as z = R + z'.
Then sin(z) = sin(R) cos(z') + cos(R) sin(z').
We assume R will be small, so, approximately,

sin(R) = R (in radians), and cos(R) = 0.
Thus, approximately,

     sin(z) = sin(z') + R cos(z').
Divide throughout by sin(z') to get
     sin(z)/sin(z') = 1 + R/tan(z')
which is to say,
     v0/vn = 1 + R/tan(z').
So we can write
     R = (v0/vn - 1) tan(z')
We write this as
     R = k tan(z')
where k = (v0/vn - 1)
Here v0 is c, the velocity of light in a vacuum, which is constant.

But vn depends on the temperature and pressure of the air at ground level.
At "standard" temperature (0°C = 273K) and pressure (1000 millibars),
     k = 59.6 arc-seconds.
The formula in the Astronomical Almanac is
     k = 16.27" P/(273+T)
where P is in millibars, and T is in °C.

(  www.st-and.ac.uk )

Atmospheric extinction is the reason that the best spot in the sky to observe astronomical objects is the zenith which is directly overhead. Star light travels through less atmosphere at the zenith than in any other direction. Extinction is worst at or near the horizon.

For example, you can look directly at a Sun set because the Sun's light has maximum atmospheric absorption at the horizon. When the Sun is high in the sky it is painful and dangerous to look at the
Sun without optical protection.

Refraction does make a star appear higher 
in the sky
than it actually is.

As stellar light passes through the atmosphere, it is refracted (bent) just as through a lens. This bending results from the increase in the atmosphere’s density as the light ray travels downward toward the observer. Thus refraction makes an object appear higher in the sky than it actually is.

( www.ngawhetu.com ) 

( www.solarplots.info )

Light is all around us, from both natural and artificial sources, during the day and the night. We think we understand it, and that what we see by it is an exact representation of what we are looking at. However we can be mistaken; the setting sun seen on the horizon has in fact already dropped below the horizon. Twinkling stars are also an effect of this same process, called refraction.

Light passing through a medium such as air or water can be absorbed and scattered by the molecules in the medium or refracted by changes in air density. Earth's atmosphere contains air, water and dust molecules that cause light rays from the sun to change direction as they pass through slightly different densities of air - this is known as refraction. 

The amount of refraction of light is dependent on the refractive index (a measure of how much a substance bends light, dependent on its density and the type of molecules) and the incident angle at which the light enters the substance. Denser substances such as water will bend the light more than a less dense substance like air, and light entering a substance at an angle will refract more than entering perpendicular to the substance's surface. Air itself can have different indices- air that is warm will be less dense and so will refract light less.

Looking up in the direction of the zenith, an observer will look through one air mass- ie the minimum amount of air that light from the sun will travel through to the surface.
Light at an angle z from the zenith will pass through more air, so travels through an equivalently greater air mass at a greater incidence angle z. Roughly, the air mass varies with secant z,
as cos(z)=1 airmass / n airmasses in a first-order case,
although for large angles (for more than about 60 degrees) away from the zenith, this is less accurate due to the spherical nature of the atmosphere.

At the horizon, light will travel through a maximum of about 38 air masses to reach an observer at sea level.

However if the observer is above sea level, for example on a mountain or in a plane, the air mass can be greater than 38, due to the line-of-sight passing through more air before reaching the observer's horizon.
This change in air mass depending on where an observer looks in the sky changes the amount and type of light reaching the observer's position. Rayleigh (1871) found that the probability of a single photon (or packet of light energy) being scattered by an air molecule was inversely proportional to its wavelength to the fourth power.

Blue light with a wavelength of about 450nm has more chance of being scattered than red light at 660nm. Light (especially the blue end of the spectrum) travelling through a greater air mass will be scattered more as there is more chance of encountering particles over this larger volume in the line-of-sight. The consequences of this are that the sun (as a single source) appears dimmer and redder near the horizon than from the zenith, as more light, especially bluer light, is scattered out of the line-of-sight to the observer.

At zenith the sun's light is not scattered as much and so only a little blue light is lost- the sun appears white or slightly yellow. Conversely skylight (light from the sun scattered onto air and water molecules and so arriving at the observer from a direction other than the sun) looks bluer as it is mostly the blue light that is scattered in all directions that reaches the observer.

Viewing Astronomical Objects

The light from stars and other objects such as the sun, moon and planets is also subject to these refractive properties which can cause the objects to appear higher in the sky than they actually are. Again, light from stars near the horizon passes through a larger volume of air at a larger incidence angle than near the zenith, therefore encountering more changes in air density and so refracts more. The observer's eyes see the star where the light appears to be coming from, not the origin of the convoluted path that it actually takes. The closer to the horizon the star is, the greater amount of refraction we see and the greater disparity in apparent position.

Consequently the sun or any celestial object setting on the horizon will be refracted the largest amount. As mentioned before, the angle of refraction is great enough that an observer can see the sun when it is actually below the horizon. The disk of the sun has an angular distance of about 30 arcminutes (or half a degree).

The index of refraction for dry air at sea level is about 1.0002941, which means that the amount of refraction in dry air is also quite small - about 39 arcmins, but enough that as the bottom of the sun's disk is seen to touch the horizon, the top is actually 9 arcmins below the horizon.

Twinkling Stars

Refraction also occurs with small variations in air density due to uneven heating of the air (characterized by increased winds). This leads to small amounts of refraction of a star's light that an observer sees as twinkling (also known as scintillation). Again as the star's light travels through greater air mass near the horizon, the greatest twinkling is seen at the horizon.
Two processes occur when looking at a star: light is momentarily refracted so as to appear to come from a slightly different position, and light is scattered in different directions, so decreasing the amount of light from the star that reaches the observer. These processes cause the star to appear to deviate slightly from its position, and to fade for split seconds of time, causing the star to twinkle.
Stars very near the horizon can also be seen to change colour momentarily. This is due to the light of different wavelengths (or colours) being dispersed different amounts by slight changes in the air. The star can appear any colour of the spectrum as the observer either sees the bluer light that is refracted or the redder light that is left or any colour in between before changing quickly again.

Objects with a measurable angular size such as the moon and planets do not appear to twinkle- this is due to the fact that light from the object is reaching the observer from all points on the object's disk. If one light ray is refracted out of line-of-sight, it does not make a noticeable difference to the observer, and light from the whole disk can not be deflected at the same time. There is also a chance that light from another point on the disk would be refracted into the line-of-sight so the intensity of light would not change.

An observer, therefore, can only be sure that what he is looking at is a true representation of an object if he is looking straight up to the zenith. Any view towards the horizon will be subject to increasing refractive and scattering effects, that can cause disparity in an object's position, changes in the colour of the incoming light and minute changes in the quality of light causing twinkling.

( www.math.ubc.ca )

Snell's Law

Snell's law states that the ratio of the sines of the angles of incidence and refraction is equivalent to the ratio of phase velocities in the two media, or equivalent to the reciprocal of the ratio of the indices of refraction:

with each 0 as the angle measured from the normal of the boundary, v as the velocity of light in the respective medium (SI units are meters per second, or m/s) and n as the refractive index (which is unitless) of the respective medium. ( Snell's Law  ).

If Einstein's theory of relativity was correct, then the light from stars that passed closest to the sun would show the greatest degree of "bending."  ( undsci.berkeley.edu )
Gambar ilustrasi di atas sebenarnya kurang cermat

Sesuai gambar di atas,  jika teori relativitas umum benar,  maka :

1. Cahaya dari bintang-bintang yang berlalu dekat dengan medan gravitasi matahari akan menunjukkan tingkat terbesar pembelokannya.

2.  Semakin jauh dari medan gravitasi matahari,  sudut penyimpangannya akan semakin kecil.

3. Dan ketika cahaya bintang-bintang itu bebas dari medan gravitasi matahari,  maka tidak ada perbedaan antara posisi sejati dan posisi semu bintang.

Dari gambar dan penjelasan di atas dapat diartikan,  ketika malam hari cahaya bintang-bintang bebas dari medan gravitasi matahari,  maka tidak ada perbedaan antara posisi sejati dan posisi semu bintang. 

Hal tersebut di atas adalah sesuatu yang tidak mungkin.  Gambar di atas  bisa menjelaskan bahwa hipotesis cahaya membelok di medan gravitasi benda masif,  adalah tidak benar alias keliru.  Benda-benda angkasa atau  bintang-bintang yang dilihat oleh para mengamat,  baik dengan menggunakan alat maupun melihatnya dengan mata telanjang, semuanya menunjukkan posisi semu ( observed / apparent position ) dan bukan posisi sejatinya ( actual / true position ). Pembelokan cahaya bukan disebabkan karena gravitasi,  melainkan karena adanya refraksi sinar ( refraction ).  Sudut pembelokan bisa dihitung dengan menggunakan Hukum Snellius ( Snell's Law ).

Catatan :  Gambar ilustrasi dari undsci.berkeley.edu di atas bisa digunakan untuk menjelaskan kekeliruan hipotesis Enstein,  namun gambar ilustrasi itu sendiri sebenarnya kurang cermat.  Observed / apparent position of star selalu tampak oleh penilik di bumi lebih tinggi dari  true / actual position.

The effect of astronomical refraction is to make a celestial body appear higher in the sky than it otherwise would.

Sehingga penggambaran di slide yang digunakan untuk pengajaran astronomi, apparent position harus  diletakkan di atas actual position.  Sehingga urut-urutan gambar di atas seharusnya matahari digambar agak ke bawah, lalu diatasnya gambar no.1, no.2,dan no.3 masing-masing dengan posisi apparent position di atas actual position.

Gambar ilustrasi yang benar apparent position selalu lebih tinggi dari actual position of star.

Di bawah ini bukti tertulis bahwa Einstein mengabaikan pembiasan cahaya/refraction:

"Einstein proposed therefore, that photographs be taken of the stars immediately bordering the darkened face of the sun during an eclipse and compared with photographs of those same stars made at another time."(Lincoln Barnett,  The Universe and Dr. Einstein, London, June 1949,  Preface by Albert Einstein Himself, page 78 ).

Cara pembuktian di atas - dengan menggunakan fotografi - berarti mengabaikan pembiasan cahaya/refraction dan juga mengabaikan bulatan angkasa/celestial sphere. Masing-masing tempat di bumi memiliki celestial sphere sendiri, oleh karenanya foto bintang dari suatu kota tidak bisa dibandingkan dengan foto bintang yang sama, yang diambil dari kota lain. Hal ini sepertinya tidak dipahami oleh Einstein yang dengan mudahnya membandingkan foto-foto bintang, lebih-lebih lagi foto-foto tersebut diambil pada waktu yang berlainan, menganggap seakan-akan bintang-bintang itu bukan suatu obyek yang bergerak.


Sabtu, 11 Juni 2016


Lengkungan Sinar Astronomis atau Atronomical Refraction dan Lengkungan Sinar Bumiawi atau Terrestrial Refraction, yang diabaikan oleh Albert Einstein dalam dua teorinya : Teori Relativitas Khusus dan Teori Relativitas Umum.
Albert Einstein dikenal sebagai seorang jenius, dan teori relativitasnya dipandang sebagai teori yang kuat, bahkan dipandang sebagai salah satu pilar dari Model Standar Fisika Modern. Pilar satunya, Teori Kuantum.Walaupun dua pilar fisika modern ini sudah puluhan tahun diketahui tidak bisa gathuk alias tidak sinkron - karena teori relativitas umum tidak bisa diterapkan dalam skala kecil alam semesta -entah mengapa Model Standar Fisika masih dipertahankan sampai sekarang.

Mungkin benar Einstein adalah jenius, tetapi terbukti dia tidak jenius dalam astronomi. Justru cenderung kelihatan dia tidak memahami ilmu astronomi, bahkan tidak paham bagian paling dasar dari ilmu astronomi, yaitu tentang Celestial Sphere atau Bulatan Angkasa, dan tentang Pembiasan Cahaya Bintang. Oleh karenanya, teorinya yang terkenal Teori Relativitas Umum atau General Theory of Relativity sesungguhnya adalah salah total dan menyesatkan.

Amat disayangkan, Teori Einstein dan nama Einstein sudah lama dijadikan semacam "obyekan", cara untuk mencari uang, yaitu proyek penelitian agar tetap didanai, sehingga mungkin sudah ribuan kali dilakukan eksperimen dengan dana yang sangat besar, dan semua hasil eksperimen itu selalu mengatakan bahwa Einstein was right, Einstein right again, Einstein win again dsbnya kata-kata klise. Padahal ....tidak mungkin bisa benar dan sebagai buktinya teori relativitas Einstein tidak ada aplikasinya di dunia nyata. Hanya dikatakan benar...benar ...benar dalam eksperimen! Aplikasinya? Nonsense alias tidak ada!  Seorang fisikawan di Universitas New Carolina/NC State University mengatakan secara jujur: "Until now we still use Newton's theory of gravity, so far".  

Dan sering dikatakan bahwa GPS menerapkan teorinya Einstein. Itupun tidak benar!

GPS doesn't need, doesn't use, and doesn't prove Einstein's theory of relativity!

Paperback, Amazon UK

Ketika kapal berada di tengah laut,  kita dapat menentukan arah dan posisi kapal dengan menggunakan benda-benda angkasa sebagai referensi.  Metoda penentuan posisi kapal dengan cara ini disebut Penentuan Posisi Secara Astronomis atau lebih dikenal dengan istilah Celestial Navigation.

Minggu, 29 Mei 2016


Saint Denis, Paris

There's nothing mystical or complicated about a sextant. All it is is a device that measures the angle between two objects. 

The sextant makes use of two mirrors. With this sextant, one of the mirrors ( mirror A in the diagram) is half-silvered, which allows some light to pass through. In navigating, you look at the horizon through this mirror. 

The other mirror (mirror B in the diagram) is attached to a movable arm. Light from an object, let's say the sun, reflects off this mirror. The arm can be moved to a position where the sun's reflection off the mirror also reflects off mirror A and through the eyepiece. What you see when this happens is one object (the sun) superimposed on the other (the horizon). The angle between the two objects is then read off the scale. 

What makes a sextant so useful in navigation is its accuracy. It can measure an angle with precision to the nearest ten seconds. (A degree is divided into 60 minutes; a minute is divided into 60 seconds.) 



Jumat, 27 Mei 2016


Using the sextant to measure the altitude of the Sun above the horizon

A sextant is a doubly reflecting navigation instrument used to measure the angle between any two visible objects. The principle of the instrument was first implemented around 1730 by John Hadley (1682–1744) and Thomas Godfrey (1704–1749) but it was also found later in the unpublished writings of Isaac Newton (1643–1727). The history of these and related instruments, and their forerunners, may be found in the article on reflecting instruments.

The primary use of a sextant is to determine the angle between an astronomical object and the horizon for the purposes of celestial navigation. The determination of this angle, the altitude, is known as sighting (or shooting) the object, or taking a sight. The angle, and the time when it was measured, can be used to calculate a position line on a nautical or aeronautical chart. Common uses of the sextant include sighting the sun at solar noon or Polaris at night (in the Northern Hemisphere) to determine latitude. Sighting the height of a landmark can give a measure of distance off and, held horizontally, a sextant can measure angles between objects for a position on a chart.[1] A sextant can also be used to measure the lunar distance between the moon and another celestial object (such as a star or planet) in order to determine Greenwich Mean Time and hence longitude.

Why Einstein never received a Nobel Prize for relativity?

The Nobel Committee at that time know actually error in the famous eclipse experiment of 1919, althought F.W.Dyson writes in 'A Determination of the Deflection of Light by the Sun's Gravitational Field, from Observations made at the Total Eclipse of May 29, 1919': "It seems clear that the effect found must be attributed to the Sun's gravitational field and not, for example, to the refraction by coronal matter"
F.W. Dyson's statement is incorrect, because it is clear from Einstein's proving method - that photographs be taken of the stars immediately bordering the darkened face of the sun during an eclipse and compared with photographs of those same stars made at another time - this means that Einstein ignored the refraction of light, and ignored the celestial sphere coordinates system.
" The Nobel citation reads that Einstein is honoured for 'services to theoretical physics, and especially for his discovery of the law of the photoelectric effect'. At first glance, the reference to theoretical physics could have been a back door through which the committee acknowledged relativity. However, there was a caveat stating that the award was presented "without taking into account the value that will be accorded your relativity and gravitation theories after these are confirmed in the future".
Why didnt Albert Einstein win a Nobel Prize for his work on Special General Relativity-Quora

Fundamental  Concepts

     The observation on the stars in the sky at night give an idea, that all the stars are located at a surface of the space perfectly round circle. In astronomy, perfectly round circle is called the Celestial Sphere. And we as observers are in the center of the celestial sphere. The celestial sphere is an imaginary of a dome or a hemispherical screen. The celestial sphere is a practical tool for spherical astronomy, allowing observers to plot positions of objects in the sky when their distances are unknown or unimportant.
    If we want to determine position of a point on the celestial sphere, it was first envisaged the existence of a horizontal front through the eye of the observer. The front imagination through the eyes of an observer is a special front on the earth, because of this imaginary front parallel to the surface sphere of arbitrarily large radius, concentric with earth. All objects in the observer's sky can be thought of as projected upon the inside surface of the celestial sphere, as if it were the underside of the sea. In astronomy, this front  is called Horizon. 

The Horizontal Coordinate System

Azimuth is measured from the north point (sometimes from the south point) of the horizon around to the east; altitude is the angle above the horizon.

Altitude and Azimuth of Star

- Altitude : is the angle between the line of the horizon and direction of the star seeing by an observer. Alternatively, some arc of the circle straight through the center of celestial bodies, is calculated from the front of the horizon to the star.

- Distance of culmination of a star, is the angle between the  line direction of a star with the normal line of an observer. Alternatively, some arc of the circle straight through the center of celestial body, calculated from Zenith to the Star.

- Azimuth : is the angle between the celestial meridian with the star meridian . Alternatively, some arc of the horizon (the earth's equator), calculated from points north or south to the point of the circle sit up straight through the center of the celestial body.

    Azimuth and Altitude  of stars change at any time due to the daily movements of the stars. Therefore, writing azimuth and altitude  of the stars must be included local time (to mention hours, minutes, and seconds), and the location of an observer (mention latitude and longitude), as well as the height of an observer calculated from the surface of the sea.

     Aside from Horizontal System in Celestial Coordinate Systems we know Equatorial system, Ecliptic system, and Galactic system.

The equatorial coordinate system


The equatorial coordinate system is basically the projection of the latitude and longitude coordinate system  on Earth, onto the celestial sphere.

We can think of coordinates on the sky in terms of angles, time.(in space):  or Astronomical Coordinates./The Celestial Sphere Coordinates, in 3 Dimensional or more precisely 3D+1D Space And Time.

About 3D+1D

Time is the sequence of events, and a separate "dimension".  4 D spacetime was misunderstanding. It is not 4D but 3D + 1D.: The Space and Time. In modern astronomy The Space and Time is The Celestial Sphere Coordinates System.

Actually, time is not dimension, but considered as a dimension just for models in mathematics. In reality there are only three dimensional of space. There are no other dimension.  If we write the celestial spheres in the formula: 3D+1D (The Space and Time), it means the universe as a three-dimensional space in connection with the daily movement of celestial bodies in the passage of time.


The ecliptic coordinate system

In the ecliptic system of coordinates, the fundamental great circle is the ecliptic.The zero-point is still the vernal equinox. Take K as the northern pole of the ecliptic, K' as the southern one. To fix the ecliptic coordinates of an object X on the celestial sphere, draw the great circle from K to K' through X.

The ecliptic (or celestial) latitude of X (symbol β) is the angular distance from the ecliptic to X, measured from -90° at K' to +90° at K. Any point on the ecliptic has ecliptic latitude 0°. (Positional Astronomy).

The Observer's Celestial Sphere

In astronomy and navigation, the celestial sphere is an imaginary sphere of arbitrarily large radius, concentric with Earth. All objects in the observer's sky can be thought of as projected upon the inside surface of the celestial sphere, as if it were the underside of a dome or a hemispherical screen. The celestial sphere is a practical tool for spherical astronomy, allowing observers to plot positions of objects in the sky when their distances are unknown or unimportant. 

An observer's celestial sphere depend on geographic position (GP) of an observer (latitude and longitude), for examples, the celestial sphere for an observer in Seatle: 


The celestial sphere for an observer in Oxford, UK, and for an observer in Principe Island, West Africa:

The celestial sphere is only applicable at a certain time and at a certain place on which such observation is performed. In scientific exposure of astronomy, the instant observation applies. It means, all calculations to determine the ‘true position’ and the ‘apparent position’ of a certain star at the sky is only applicable at a certain time and at a certain place on which such observation is performed.

The observation on a star conducted twice from the places with different geographical positions will result the different altitude and azimuth of the star. The altitude and azimuth of a star indicates the position of the star at the time when the observation is performed. The altitude and azimuth of a star changes every time due to the daily movement of the said space objects. Moreover, the observation / photos taking for the stars were performed twice with sufficiently long different interval of time.

You can not calculate the angle of deviation of a star in the sky from two or three places of observations,  to the same of a star, and then to compared it. If this is done, it is not scientific.  Without doubt,  the results will be error.

At a given time, any celestial body is located directly over one point on the Earth's surface. Most navigators will use sextant with sights of three to five stars, if they're available, in 2 -3 minute / not more than 5 minute, to determine their ship's position at sea.
